

The bible calls wrong-doing, or disobedience to God, sin. The bible gives descriptions and lists of sins, probably the most famous of these is the ten commandments. The ten commandments are found in Exodus chapter 20, to paraphrase:


  1. No other Gods
  2. No idols
  3. Don’t misuse God’s name
  4. Keep the Sabbath – a day of rest
  5. Honor your father and mother
  6. Don’t murder
  7. Don’t commit adultery
  8. Don’t steal
  9. Don’t lie about other people
  10. Don’t be jealous of other people


Jesus also spoke about sin, and often used the phrase “Repent and believe” when he was calling people to follow him. The word repent means to have a change of mind, so stop living a life that is turned away from God and instead to turn to God.


There are also lists of sins in the apostle Pauls’ writings, for example Galatians 5:19-21.


God doesn’t give us rules to live by to make our lives miserable. God gives us rules, what the bible often refers to as ‘the law’ to give us a framework from which we can live in community in an orderly manner. God wants everyone to be able to have the best life possible and to live peacefully with one another. King David was an Old Testament king who was passionate about God’s law, and is also described in scripture as being one after God’s own heart. He writes in Psalm 119:14, “I rejoice in following your statutes, as one rejoices in great riches.” David recognised that following God’s laws leads to fullness of life and blessing.


The problem of sin applies to everyone, it’s not just murderers for example who are guilty of sin, but we have all done something wrong. Romans 3:23 says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” That means that all of us have done something wrong at some point in our lives, whether big or small. It helps if we measure ourselves against God’s standard or his law, rather than comparing ourselves to other people.


There is a penalty for sin. Ultimately the penalty for sin is death and separation from God. This separation first occurred in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned – they were put out of the garden. In the Old Testament (i.e. before Jesus came) people used to offer animal sacrifices to God to make atonement for their sins. The following section describes how Jesus’ death and resurrection now pays the price for our sin.