Find God

Jesus was and is amazing. The book of Revelation describes his voice ‘like the sound of rushing waters’.

This voice that spoke the universe into being.

This voice that told a woman caught in adultery that she wasn’t condemned.

This voice called Mary Magdalene by name in the garden by His tomb.

This voice speaks down through history and says,”Follow me”.

Jesus died, rose again and ascended into heaven. He is with God the Father now and that same voice is speaking today. He is calling out to you. He wants you to know Him and to live your life in relationship with Him.


1. Creation:

God made the universe, including the earth and people. He made people in His own image and intended for us to live in relationship with Himself.

2. Our sin:

When we do wrong things, this causes us to be out of relationship with God. We need to be in right relationship with God when we die in order to go to heaven.

3. Jesus:

God sent His Son, Jesus. He is the means by which all people are brought into a right relationship with God. Jesus always existed as the Son of God. God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit and all three existed at creation. God said “Let us make man in our image”, implying that there is more than one being in God.

God the Son became man in the person of Jesus, He is both God and man at the same time. The bible says that He “made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” Phil 2:7.

Jesus never did anything wrong, he never sinned. Therefore he could be the one perfect sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. Previously the Jews had offered a lamb or ram as a guilt offering, but Jesus was the ‘Lamb of God’ – he took the punishment for all of our sin when he died on the cross.

 4. Our response:

We can choose to accept what God has done for us in Jesus, but we need to make a decision. We can choose to accept that the blood of Jesus washes away our sins. We can choose to turn to God and put our faith in HIm.

We need to recognise that we have done wrong things (which the bible calls sin), that we can never by totally pure or holy by ourselves.

We can accept Jesus, who took the punishment for our sin Himself on the cross. We must accept Him for everything that he is, both Lord and Saviour.

If you would like to do this, pray to God. You can use your own words to say:

  • Sorry for the things you have done wrong
  • Thank Him for dying for you.
  • Ask Him to be in charge of your life from now forwards.

If you have prayed this prayer for the first time we would love you to contact us and let us know.